History of Crochet.

History of Crochet.

Some people believe that crochet originates from traditional practices in China, South America or Arabia. However, it actually gained popularity as early as the nineteenth century in Europe. With the technology of prints and printed materials became widely distributed, crochet even became more popular by the middle of the nineteenth century.
The first ever-noted crochet patterns that have been published were purses that are made of silk threads or yarn. This was done in Holland around 1824. From then on, patterns were not printed to pass on to future generations but were adopted through sample pattern duplication of crocheted pieces of clothing.
The first crochet hooks that are used and recognized in the early times are the Victorian crochet hooks made from such materials as brass, some woods, bone material and ivory. Crochet became the famous activity for rich women and families. Items that were popularized with crochet during this time were clothing, ornaments and bags.
In Ireland, crochet became a cottage industry with the guipure lace or Irish crochet. This helped support the people under the great potato famine during those times. Crochet retains its popularity until the 20th century but slowed down during World War II.
It then regained its fame during 1970s wherein wearing crocheted apparels became a fad. In the 1980s to the 90s, thread and bead crochet became even more popular. By the year 2000 until the present time, crochet craze is still a hot hobby and even an endless craving for fashion and lifestyle.


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